Sunday, January 22, 2006

I Got a Link

It has been a long time, so let me introduce myself. I am Jonathan Bost, 24 years-old, handsome, and now residing in the metro-New Orleans area. Just joking! If you found my blog, you probably intend to be here.

Well, things in my life have been changing very quickly and I have lots of big news to share with you. First, I got a link on Ms. Beth Hintze’s blog. She has had over five thousand visitors to her site, so maybe some of her traffic will come my way (although I would not know because I do not have a counter on my blog). Anyway, when I noticed a couple of weeks ago, I thought I would blog on that event, though I did not have the time. This is a big moment, like being added to someone’s speed dial, if you have seen that episode of Sienfeld.

I got big news from my friends Wendy and Mike. Wendy gave birth to their first child, Parker Paul Perry (say that three times fast), on Wednesday, January 18, 2005. It was a miracle that Wendy conceived and it is a blessing for them. Again, if you know Wendy, you know she loves kids and God has given her and Mike a healthy son.

Wendy loves my sidebar’s (or so she says as she rolls her eyes), so I will use this opportunity to share a thought. Sometimes you wonder why some families or some people get so excited about the birth of a baby. At times I just do not understand it all, but then when I think of the nine months of an inconvenienced life (nausea, other sicknesses, and body change) a woman goes through in the gestation process, then the pain she endures in childbirth, and then the care that the baby must receive in the moments and months after birth just to survive, I wonder why people don’t make a bigger deal about infants. The birth of any baby is a miracle, and it points to how precious life really is.

I have also found an apartment/house in New Orleans. I am so excited because it is in the city and it is between both work and school, one will always be on the way to the other. The apartment is not quite ready yet, and I have not finished packing yet either. I am almost finished though (which means after I finish this blog I will put away my computer and be finished packing). It will be a very spacious and comfortable place. So if you are going to be in the Big Sleazy and need a place to stay, let me know, I’ll try to hook you up (at a motel down the street, Ha!). Until I move in and acquire internet access, I will probably be unable to blog (so be forewarned that this is the last for a while).

More big news: School reopens tomorrow! Classes begin on the campus of the New Orleans Baptist Theological seminary for the first time since Hurricane Katrina flooded the city. Limited courses are being offered and no housing will be available for students until April. The return marks a new beginning for our campus, the first step of restoration for our neighborhood, and another step toward normalcy for our city. I will only be able to take three courses (9 hours) this semester, but I hope to get some extra credit through workshops later this Spring and in the Summer.

Well, I hope this update will suffice for a while. I will let you know that I am working on something for the future. It involves red light switches and other interesting things about the hospital that many people probably do not know!