Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ready for Gustav?

Well, work was fairly smooth today for a long day at work. As an organization, we seem ready to both meet the needs of our patients and community whil taking care of our employees. Though it is not a fun time, it is exciting because I am seeing fellow workers pull together to get their work done and our patients care comes first. While a couple more long days are definately instore (and more if there are any problems), hopefully we can resume normal operations and a normal schedule pretty soon. The next time I get an opportunity to update this blog will be after the storm has passed, so until then...

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Going to Work

Today I was alerted by my leadership at work that our essential personnel have been called in to work in preparation for an impending disaster—Hurricane Gustav. I know that I am not essential in the sense that the hospital could not function without me, but I am considered essential and will report for work tomorrow morning.

For more information, you may check in regularly as I will try to post updates as long as I have time and as long as we have internet at the hospital. Our public relations department has a blog and the hospital’s website will function to get important information disseminated. Stay in touch!

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation: Home

I arrived at my apartment a couple of hours and it was empty. I was a little confused because I expected my roommates to be back from summer break and ready to start classes tomorrow. I guess they will return this afternoon.

I don’t know about you, but after traveling I get a feeling of boredom—almost as if I am thinking “Now I am back home and I have got to go back to work. L At the same time, I get the feeling of being overwhelmed because I have to catch up on so much—personally and at work. It’s a really confusing feeling.

Our travel today back to my apartment was not bad, but there was a lot of wind and rain. Dad and Mom are traveling back to St. Martinville now, so hopefully their travel will be uneventful and good. I am certain that Dad will take his Sunday afternoon nap!

I had a great trip! Hope you enjoyed the journey through pictures and narrative. Thanks to Dad, Mom, Chris, Patti, and Cashlin who made this a very fun vacation! (Sorry, but I there were not many photographic moments today.)

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation Day 8: On Our Way Home

Today we began our journey home. After waking up and packing the car we were ready to tell Patti and Cashlin good-bye and begin our drive back to Louisiana. Our plan was to evaluate the weather and Tropical Storm Fay and determine our best route; however, after the initial evaluation it seemed that rain and wind during the journey was inevitable. Our best option would be to drive the shortest/quickest distance and just bear the weather.

We had relatively good weather until we stopped for lunch in Dublin, GA at a Zaxby’s (which is a lot like Raising Cane’s but has a little more variety, including wings). After lunch, we drove through rain and wind pretty much the entire afternoon, though the weather calmed enough while we were driving through Fort Valley Georgia (near Warner Robins) for us to take a break at Lane Packing Company’s Peach Café (read a review here). There mom and I shared a serving of peach cobbler topped with peach ice cream. It was very good!

While driving through Alabama, we thought of stopping early; however, we thought the drive through the rain today will provide clearer skies and easier driving tomorrow. We drove to our original destination: Mobile. Hopefully we are correct. After we eat supper, hopefully we will have a restful night of sleep. Here are the few pictures that I took today.

Brown is not quite ready to leave!

Granny, Cashlin, and Patti

Bye Bye Granny

Bye Bye Grandpa

Cashlin Strapped In and Ready to Go!
Ominous Weather Ahead

The wind is blowing traffic signals.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation Day 7: Turtles

Today was another relaxing day—we did not try to do too much. For breakfast, Patti prepared some awesome omelets. Then, we relaxed a while until me and dad decided to take a little trip off the island back to Bluffton. This time we found the poster shop we were looking for on Tuesday. It’s called Old Town Vintage Posters and it was quite a good experience. On our way back from the poster shop in Bluffton, we visited the Coastal Discovery Museum where we learned more about the island.

While dad and I adventured off the island, Patti, mom, and Caslin visited the mall. While there, Cashlin got the opportunity to play at an indoor playground. After everyone returned and while Cashin was napping, mom and I took the doggies to the beach. After supper, we took Cashlin to feed the turtles.

It was a good day of rest for travel tomorrow. Surprisingly, we have a lot of pictures for such a short day. Here are the pictures!

A View of of the Water from the Museum

Cashlin at the Playground

More Play!

Checkout the look on his face!

Browning's Action Shot

Cashlin Feeding Turtles

One of the Turtles

Granny, Grandpa, and Cashlin

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation Day 6: Harbor Town Lighthouse

This morning we decided to go to the private area of Hilton Head Island—Sea Pines. We learned that this area was planned as a secluded seaside resort where both residents and guests could enjoy the surroundings with a small environmental footprint. There are no buildings taller than the tallest tree around and all the buildings are painted in very earthy tones. It is a really nice area.

Once we arrived, we planned on taking the trolley, which would prevent us from having to navigate the area, search for parking, and get Cashlin in and out of vehicle. It also gave Cashlin an opportunity to ride the trolley! However, it took the trolley about an hour to arrive for the first pick-up, which was only supposed to take 20-30 minutes, and the only reason we stayed was that it was raining very hard.

It was still raining when we got to the Harbor Town shops, but it seemed as though it was soon to stop. Once it stopped, we toured the lighthouse. It was interesting and provided some good views of the harbor. We did not feel like going to any more shops, so we decided eat lunch and go back to the condo, where we watched a couple of movies and hung out the remainder of the evening.

Here are pictures from Harbor Town!

Waiting for the Trolley

The Trolley

The Harbor Town Lighthouse

If you know Cashlin, patience is...

Grandpa and Cashlin scoping it out

Mom and Cashlin...Cool

Long Way Up

The Harbor

Cashlin was showing mom a boat

Long Way Down

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation Day 5: Greenville & Mermaids

This morning I awoke early to bring Chris back to Greenville so he could get back to work. He wanted to be back in his truck by 8:30, so we left Hilton Head at 4 a.m. When we got back to Greenville, he had to stop at his house for a few moments. He also needed to run an errand, so after the errands he got back on his truck.

After dropping Chris at his truck, I went and had breakfast with my friend Rachel. She has just started school, so it was cool to hear how her classes were going. Once we finished breakfast, I was back on the road to Hilton Head.

When I returned, the weather was bad so we just hung out around the condo until Patti went to Curves and we brought mom to a quilt store. The weather cleared in the evening so we decided to go to Coligny Plaza where there are shops, restaurants, and a nightly show. This evening it was the Mermaid Review—a children’s show. It was really a kid’s show. I think everyone was exhausted so we left at intermission. Back at the condo, everyone went to bed pretty quickly.

Here are the pictures!

Cashlin with a Flamingo

The Mermaid Review

Cashlin is Chillin'

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation Day 4: Family Trip

Today we awoke earlier than usual to get a jump on the day’s activities. We were going to eat breakfast on the road, but most of us were impatient and ate while the others were getting ready. So we just went ahead and began our journey.

We went to Beaufort with plans to just see what there was to do. We stopped at a quilt and embroidery shop where she searched for more fabric to add to her collection. We found a seafood restaurant for us to have lunch. Chris had something called Lowcountry Frogmore Stew—which was like boiled seafood with sausage and potatoes.

After we went to the Lowcountry Estuarium where the curator gave us a tour of local wildlife from the estuaries around the Hilton Head area. After our adventure at the estuarium, we began a trip to Bluffton. We knew there would not be much in Bluffton, but we were worn out and did not even get out of the truck. In fact, I think today was more of a get close to family trip because we spent more time in the vehicle than anything.

After our trips, Chris grilled some chicken sausage, hamburgers, and chicken tenders. Then we took Cashlin and the dogs to the beach to get some playtime in the sand. We thought about playing monopoly, but everyone was too exhausted. Chris and I are waking up early tomorrow so I can bring him back to get his truck—he has to go back to work.

Well, I didn’t find much that was worthy of pictures, so here are the few pictures that I took.

Chris eating Lowcountry Frogmore Stew

Chris, Cashlin, and Patti

Browning exhausted on the Beach

Cashlin Wearing Uncle Jonathan's Hat

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation Day 3: Savannah

Today we took a day trip to Savannah, GA. I’d read an article in the New Orleans Times Picayune that the best way to start a trip in Savannah is a bus tour. We found a tour that would give us a private tour for a very reasonable price, so we took that tour. The guide was very informative.

After the tour, we went to the Six Pence Pub for lunch. This was also recommended by the writer of the article for the corned beef Rueben. Chris and Dad really enjoy Rueben sandwiches, so we thought this would be a great place and it was.

We went walking through the historic district, which included a stop at the Paula Deen store. Our tour guide told us that an underground fire had interrupted electric service since Saturday and, though power was restored, Paula Deen’s Lady and Sons restaurant would still be closed because she lost all the food; however, the restaurant reopened this morning.

Finally, we went to the riverfront area, took the ferry, and saw the Waving Girl statue. Back at the condo, we relaxed while mom made spaghetti for supper. After supper, we went for a dip in the pool. Here are the pictures!

On Our Way

The Tour Begins

A Picture from the Tour

Nice House

The Six Pence Pub

A Cool Down Spout

Grandpa and Cashlin

Cashlin with Chris

Chris, Patti, and Cashlin

Everyone on the Riverfront

The Guys

Patti and Cashlin

Chris, Patti, and Cashlin

The Waving Girl

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