Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Me, Intimidating?

After a conversation with someone today, I began to wonder whether or not I intimidated others, particularly those that I do not know well, especially when it relates to spiritual matters. I know that some who read this blog may just think of me as the kid they have seen grow-up before their very eyes (which is definitely less exciting than it sounds); however, there are some I meet that know some of my background (especially the part of graduating from a Baptist seminary) and seem intimidated. Are they really intimidated or is my perception incorrect?

I know there is a persona that people expect of individuals who are ministers. They expect them to have solid answers concerning many spiritual concepts and I believe that I understand the fundamental elements of my faith and can assist others in comprehend these concepts. But should that mean that I have answers to all things spiritual or that I should be confident of all things spiritual. Presenting the notion that I have all these spiritual matters ironed out would seem a little presumptuous on my part, I think, and be borderline arrogant.

Caedmon's Call says it this way in their song Thousand Miles:

I have stolen, Lord, let me give
I have left Your house a fugitive
I have wandered in my own way
Squandered everything You gave
But my dying heart You saved and let me live

I have cursed the air and clenched my fists
I have hungered for Your righteousness
I have tried to walk the line
I drew between Your heart and mine
But You forgive me every time the mark is missed

So take my broken offering and make it whole
And set my feet upon the road that leads me home
Let me walk as one fixed upon the goal
Even though I've got a thousand miles to go

I have sought Your grace in my defense
I have plundered Your magnificence
Until my journey is complete
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
That I might sow what I have reaped
From Your great love

As I struggle for Your hand
You use me in ways I can't understand
You take this sinful man and renew me
Working through me

Like Paul, I think of myself as not already having attained this level of spirituality or understanding, but I on the path (Philippians 3:12-14). Though I am constantly growing; I am with everyone else—on the spiritual journey, struggling to make sense of it all. Ministers are not any different than many of the individuals in their congregations and they should not pretend as though they are not!

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