Why We Will Not Be Participating in a “Virtual Lord’s Supper”
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord. (Proverbs 18:22)
Labels: Bible Study, Reading the Bible Through, Resources
Labels: Marriage, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons
Last Sunday (1/4), my Pastor allowed me to present the Children’s Sermon. As always, I tried to connect the message of that morning’s sermon to the Children’s Sermon. The sermon’s central message was the stewardship of time and the central passage was Psalm 90:12, which reads:
So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom. (NASB)
As I studied the Scripture, though, I think I got a giant lesson in God’s Will. While at times it seems like I am just waiting for God to open opportunities for me to be in ministry, God is using this time to prepare me for that ministry. It seems so simple a child could understand, but this was just the message that I needed to hear and in just the way I needed to hear it. The message was: Jonathan, use your time while you are not in vocational ministry to learn and gather knowledge so that when God begins to use you in vocational ministry you may present Him a heart of wisdom by knowing, understanding, and doing His will.
Since this time, I have been asking God what I should do that I could number or order my days to honor Him. What should I be doing during this time while I am working in a secular job that will present Him a heart of wisdom when I become the pastor of a local church? I believe He is showing me how what I am doing now will benefit His kingdom and what I could be doing to grow into the pastor He wants me to become. I believe this lesson and this prayer is great for every believer: “Lord, teach me to order my time so that I may present You a heart of wisdom.”
Labels: Christian Theology, Church, Jon, Theology, Things that will put you to sleep late at night
I spent Christmas this year with my brother, Chris, sister-in-law, Patti, and their son, Cashlin. My parents and I traveled to South Carolina on Christmas Eve and returned this afternoon.
Labels: Cashlin, Chris and Patti, Christmas, Jon, Parents, Pictures, Travel
I thought I might share a couple of more ideas for Christmas gifts for those who have not already purchases something from my previous list. I intended to put some of these on my initial list, but forgot. Others I just realized the need/desire for the item so decided to put them in this post when I made this edition. So here are some more Christmas ideas:
Carolina Cider—When I took a trip with Chris, Patti, Cashlin, and Lisa to North Carolina we passed a guy on the side of the road selling this cider. I though this guy made the cider in the hills and this was his way of bringing it to market; however, after reading the label, I realized it was made near Charleston, SC. Anyway, I really enjoyed the Peach Cider and the Black Bing Cherry Cider!
A Valet—This is a really cool piece of furniture. It allows a gentleman to set-out his clothes for the next day, as well as store all the items that should be in his pockets before he leaves. It also provides a place for him to put all of those things when he empties is pockets in the evening. This would be really helpful since I started working dress clothes to work instead of scrubs!
Camera Lens—I saw this lens as I was perusing bestbuy.com. It’s a cool—it has the shift and tilt built into a wide-angle lens. It is cool, but it is expensive.
And for the “Anonymous” poster who said I should ask for a wife. Obviously, that individual is more interested in me finding a wife than helping me find one! After all, I did post a description of the kind of girl I’m looking for (it’s like a job description)! Maybe Santa will bring me a wife—just not Mrs. Clause, she seems like she is past childbearing age.
This is the gift giving season—the time of year you can either (a) tell everyone what you would really like to have by this time next month or (b) not tell them and get a lot of lame gifts, like socks. I have opted for plan (a) and decided that I would use my blog as the forum for expressing my desire for those gifts. I hope there is a gift for all of my friends to give whatever their budget. Hey, I’m looking after you during these difficult economic times.