Sunday, November 26, 2006

Mitchell Family Thanksgiving

Well, we had the Mitchell Family Thanksgiving feast this past Saturday. It was a little different than usual because we normally have it at the family estate near Bundick’s Lake and on Thanksgiving Day. This year we celebrated on the Saturday after at my Aunt Janet’s place in Carencro and had a lot less people than usual come. We also ate pretty late in the afternoon. It was good to visit with everyone. Here are some pictures (I did not take many).

The Crowd

Janet holding Jerry LeRoy and Maw-Maw
(Jerry LeRoy is Maw-Maw's
first Great-Great-Grandchild,
but she said I'm still
her greatest grandchild ;) )

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Logan!

Logan turned 8 years old today! He is growing up and I can’t wait to give him the gift I give him every year—a wedgie. :D I will put a picture of him up soon, since I will see him tomorrow at his soccer game.
Logan @ His B-Day Party Last Year

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Thursday, November 23, 2006


I want to mention how grateful I am for all those that called and wished me birthday greetings on Wednesday. I think I only talked to my mom, but Chris, Benji, Matt, and Alissa called, while Leanne and Patti dropped notes. Well, that covers all the people on my top 8 friends list, except two (see below). I need to tell Heidi that this seriously jeopardizes her status on my list! Well thanks again.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Whoa! I haven’t seen that in a while.

I’m talking about me without any facial hair. I am trying to research and find out when the last time I did not have any facial hair below my ears and I think it has been quite a while. I will have the answer soon, I think, but those of you who know me can guess and the winner can get a big prize (like some belly-button lint or something).

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Minot Vacation Day 5: Coming Home!

Today we came home. This trip on the friendly skies was a little better. We had longer breaks between flights, so we were not rushed. We only had one delay, which kept us on the tarmac for an hour while the filled out the paper work, ugh! We did get home on time, though, and that was good. Below are some pictures we took with Cashlin just before we left.

Three Generations

Granny saying good-bye.

Grandpa and Cashlin, one last time.

Cashlin with his favorite uncle.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Minot Vacation Day 4: Tourists

Today, we got to act like tourists. After lunch, Mom, Dad, and I went to the tourist center and looked at all the things Minot had to offer tourists. Also, there was a Scandinavian history area and we got to see a little of their culture and what sort of heritage the people that settled this area would lead them to the accent which they possess. After the tourism center, we went to the Minot Daily News to buy a paper for the baby from the day he was born. After that, we took my mom to a quilt shop, which was nice but there seemed as though there was nothing that she needed.

Tonight, we had dinner with Patti, Chris, and Liisa (Patti’s Mom). Now, we are getting ready for the long day of travel tomorrow. I guess that means you are getting closer to pictures, and I have a lot of them to share with you, you know.

At the Scandinavian Heritage Center
(It is a Stave Church)

Me and Mom infront of the Stave Church.

Mais, dat's a big tree!

My Dad really likes to talk!

Dad and Cashlin


Don't they know 9:00-5:00 is
more than 2 hours?

The Farewell Meal

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Minot Vacation Day 3: Church and More

This morning, we went and picked up Mom at Chris and Patti’s (she spent the night there again helping with Cashlin) and went to church at Cross Roads Baptist Church. It is a church plant started about 8 years ago by the other Southern Baptist Church in the city. It turns out that there was a family from Louisiana in the church, as well as the Pastor and his wife being from Louisiana and graduates of NOBTS. We stayed there for lunch (they had Dinner on the Grounds) and got to visit with some Louisianans.

After church we eventually made our way back to Chris and Patti’s house, where we completed work on the third door while Mom made some crawfish etouffee. Chris made some chicken wings because Patti already tried crawfish last year and really did not like the taste. Both were good!

Cross Roads Baptist Church
Dad and Cash

We did finish the project!

The other Door.

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Minot Vacation Day 2: Open Doors

Chris had a project for us today. After sleeping in pretty late, we went to his house where his project unfolded—changing three of his doors with some he purchased. They were really nice doors, we just needed to trim them up, add the hardware, and hang them. Today, we got two of them done and I think we will work on the other tomorrow afternoon.

Mom made a gumbo and made Chris mad. After making the gumbo, which Patti had once before because Chris made it last winter, Chris asked Patti which was better: his or hers? Patti said that she liked my moms and Chris said that he was never cooking for Patti again.

I did get to hold Cashlin some today. Also, Patti was feeling better, though they had a long night with Cash waking up every hour for a bottle. Later in the evening she was ready to give Cash a bath, so I helped.

Snow still on the ground,

and snow still on the roof.

Chris and Dad working on the door.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Minot Vacation Day 1: DELAYED!

The theme of our travel today was delay. We were delayed an hour in Lafayette, causing us to miss our connection in Memphis. Though we were automatically rebooked on another flight, we did have to jump through some hoops to get ready to make the connection to Minneapolis. Then, our final flight from Minneapolis to Minot was delayed because they had to swap planes and the plane that we were taking needed some maintenance or something.

The day was rewarding because after Chris picked us up at the airport (with Browning, his dog) we got to see Cashlin for the first time! He is beautiful. After a long day of traveling we got to go to the base to lie down and rest, but Mom stayed at Chris and Patti’s house to help with Baby Cash.

By the way, I forgot a cable and I am unable to provide pictures, but I promise I will put them up as soon as I get back home. Come back and see the pics.

Ready to Go

View from the Skys

Mom and Baby Cash

Dad and Cashlin

I finally got my turn!

The Reason for our Trip

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