Friday, November 03, 2006

Minot Vacation Day 1: DELAYED!

The theme of our travel today was delay. We were delayed an hour in Lafayette, causing us to miss our connection in Memphis. Though we were automatically rebooked on another flight, we did have to jump through some hoops to get ready to make the connection to Minneapolis. Then, our final flight from Minneapolis to Minot was delayed because they had to swap planes and the plane that we were taking needed some maintenance or something.

The day was rewarding because after Chris picked us up at the airport (with Browning, his dog) we got to see Cashlin for the first time! He is beautiful. After a long day of traveling we got to go to the base to lie down and rest, but Mom stayed at Chris and Patti’s house to help with Baby Cash.

By the way, I forgot a cable and I am unable to provide pictures, but I promise I will put them up as soon as I get back home. Come back and see the pics.

Ready to Go

View from the Skys

Mom and Baby Cash

Dad and Cashlin

I finally got my turn!

The Reason for our Trip

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