Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Don’t Rain on my Parade, err Paper!

Today, I took a giant step toward becoming an informed, responsible member of the adult population. Maybe that step was taken a couple of days ago but the fruits were first realized today—I received home delivery of my first newspaper! We have always received the newspaper at my parents house (and for a long time three papers: a morning paper, an evening paper, and a weekly) and I have always enjoyed waking up, drinking coffee and reading the paper (especially the comic strips).

Five days ago, while I was entering the super-market, a gentleman asks me if I would like to subscribe to the New Orleans Times-Picayune. I informed him that I read the paper on-line or at work. After hearing the low-price that he was offering for home delivery, I decided it was worth the expense and subscribed. And today it arrived for the first time—soaking wet. So my first newspaper comes late (after I left for work, which is always too late to get a morning paper) and soaked by the rain. Anyway, it’s a step toward being a well-informed (or at least moderately informed, it is the T-P after all) member of the New Orleans population.


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