Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Starbucks Internet Plan

Settling in New Orleans has not been the easiest thing in the world to do. And still, that sentence may be the understatement of the young year. I have been in the area for one and a half months and have not been able to move into an apartment. I have electricity and water at the apartment (now, both in my name), but I cannot move into the place because it still lacks carpet. Any day now I should be able to move in.

Another thing that has been difficult is setting up those services that are essential to life, like electricity, water, and internet. To do these things, one must wait on the phone for up to an hour and a half on hold, and then be given the run-around. It is

After establishing electric service and transferring the water into my name, I next attempted to establish internet access. First I attempted the traditional routes of cable and DSL. When that failed (because where I will live was flooded and is in what is called a “Katrina Work Zone”), I attempted two alternatives: satellite internet (expensive and slow) and cellular internet. Long story short, I am out of a lot of money and still have no internet.

So, I decided to think a little outside of the box and my plan, at least for a little while is what I have termed the Starbucks Internet Plan. I will go to Starbucks a couple of times a week and use their hot-spot to access the internet. And all it will cost is a cup of coffee. Can you say “venti white chocolate mocha, please.” I just did. I estimate that it might just be a little less than cable or DSL internet, with no long term commitments!

Well, people, that will be how I will keep in touch with you, at least until I get my internet set up at my apartment. This reminds me, I have not had any offers to help me move my stuff into the apartment. What is wrong with you people? Give a brother a hand. You can reach me at 867-5309!


At February 27, 2006 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should go to Starbucks more often to update this thing!

At March 04, 2006 11:13 PM, Blogger Jon said...

I have been working too much lately. With school and moving in, I have been very busy, but look for an update soon.


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