Wednesday, September 07, 2005


This is a picture of the clock that is in my bathroom. Ever since I came back from New Orleans the last time (the Saturday before Katrina devastated the city), this clock in my bathroom has been stuck on 7:38 because the battery was dead. I guess you can say I was timeless.

Is the clock in my bathroom being frozen in time a big deal? Heck yeah, I would not be writing about it if it wasn’t.

You see, this is how it is. I’m usually running a little late in the mornings. Every morning when I would get out of the shower, I would check to see how much time I had before I was supposed to be at work, which is 8:00 a.m. Twenty minutes, I have plenty of time… there’s no need to rush.

For the past two weeks I have been late to work just about every day. I knew before I went into the shower every time that the clock was broken and that I was running late, but whenever I would get out of the shower, I would check the clock and then think that I had plenty of time to get ready for work. Think of the surprise I got every morning when I was putting on my watch right before I left my house and realized I was already 20 minutes late for work! I was thinking, “I got out the shower twenty minutes ago and I thought I had twenty minutes then?”

There is a happy ending. I bought a new battery for the clock and I was able to make it to work a little early this morning. So boys and girls, the moral to this lesson is that even a broken clock can be correct twice a day, but if it has stopped twenty minutes before you are supposed to be somewhere, don’t believe it day, after day, after day…


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