Friday, October 07, 2005

Post-Katrina New Orleans

Here is an inside look at post-Katrina New Orleans. These pictures were taken on Wednesday, October 5 by my brother, Benji, when we went to retrieve my belongings from my apartment. The pictures are primarily of the campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, but some were taken in the neighborhood surrounding the school or on the interstate while we were traveling to and from the seminary.
Destruction remains in much of the city.

My apartment complex. My apartment is not pictured,
but if it were, it would be on the left on the second floor.

Here is a car that was left in the parking lot of our apartments.

Same car, different angle. Notice the water line on the roof.

Our chapel and the lawn beside it, which is usually very green.

The neighborhood around the seminary,
beginning with the restaurant across the street.

A business near the seminary.
Notice the marking noting the search of the building.
Every building had one and every floor of our apartment building had one.

The Landmark Hotel on the West-Bank.
Windows were blown out on all sides of the building

Total destruction.

The Super-Dome with major roof damage.

The Super-Dome from a different angle.


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